Downton Abbey Wiki

Lucy Smith is Lady Maud Bagshaw's maid. When King George and Queen Mary visit Downton Abbey in 1927, Lady Bagshaw accompanies them - as she is the queen's lady in waiting - and brings Lucy with her.



Lucy's father, Jack Smith, died when she was six years old. She was taken in by Lady Bagshaw, and attended the local school before eventually being hired as Lady Bagshaw's maid. On her eighteenth birthday, Lucy learned from Lady Bagshaw that they were in fact mother and daughter.


Lucy meets Tom Branson upon her arrival at Dowtnon Abbey; she is unsure where to go and he asks if he can help her. She tells him who she is as he directs her in the right away. She later watches the royal parade. Lady Bagshaw waves to her and refers to her by her first name rather than her surname to Edith and Violet, saying that Lucy's been with her a long time; she sees her as far more than a servant.

She meets Tom again after the parade. She asks if he works at Downton, and he tells her Lord Grantham is his father-in-law. She immediately tries to apologize, but he assures her she doesn't need to. When he tells her he started at Downton as a chauffeur, she immediately acknowledges him as Lady Sybil's husband, citing that she and Lady Bagshaw followed the story of Sybil's death. She asks Tom if it was hard becoming a member of the family. He tells her yes, but that he's made it through the transition between his old and new worlds and now knows who he is.

She is later present when Violet comes to see Maud in her room, shortly after their arrival. Maud introduces Lucy, and Violet tells Lucy she's heard so much about her. Lucy offers to leave, but Violet insists "not for me" and they exchange looks after Violet and Maud discuss their "chat" and having "it out once and for all" and Maud leaves to go to the queen. Lucy later sees Mary and Edith before Tom appears and they leave. Lucy tells Tom of Violet's visit and fears a fight concerning her is brewing between them. Tom tells Edith that he likes Lucy, and she encourages him to pursue her.

Maud has declared Lucy will be her heir over Robert, her closest paternal relative, infuriating Violet. Lucy later speaks to Tom again about her fears being confirmed. Tom congratulates her, and she tells him she feels no one else but him can understand what she's going through. She tells him she'll miss their talks, but Tom offers to correspond with her, delighting her. He then takes her hand and kisses her before she leaves.

Violet refers to Lucy as a "scheming little minx" at Harewood House, but Isobel--having worked out Lucy's true identity and confirming it with Maud--arranges a conversation between them in which Maud tells Violet the truth. She says that when she returns home she will hire a new maid so Lucy can be her "companion" (something which Violet says is more "suitable"), and mentions Lucy and Tom intend to keep in touch. Violet invites Maud and Lucy back to Downton after the Yorkshire tour (referring to Lucy by her first name for the first time), essentially welcoming Maud back into the family. However, she later tells Isobel her purpose is to get Lucy back in order to get Maud's estate for Tom through her (something Edith later suggests independently to Mary as a reason for encouraging Tom to pursue Lucy).

Lucy brings a hankerchief for Maud as an excuse to watch the dancing. Tom offers to take it to her, expressing his wish that they could dance and kissing her hand. After she leaves, Tom gives Maud the hankerchief and leaves himself. He finds Lucy on the veranda and dances with her.


  • "I have such a feeling that you can understand what's going on in my head." - to Tom Branson


  1. Maud says that she told Lucy the truth on her "eighteenth birthday", which means Lucy is no younger than nineteen.


  1. Daily Mail - Downton Abbey movie finally releases first trailer as the Crawley family prepare for a royal visit, the staff lead a mutiny and Branson finds love again By Joanna Crawley; Published: 09:11 EDT, 21 May 2019 | Updated: 03:58 EDT, 22 May 2019

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